Basic ideas
Thomas N. Lockyer proposed a model built on the idea that matter particles derived directly from the structure of the photons that were its basic constituents.
Starting from the idea that the proton is a stack of layers of energies of different densities, he proposed an astonishing geometric model based on 'cubes' nested like Russian dolls. But the most astonishing thing is that from this model he calculated very exactly the ratio of masses between the proton and the electron, with the first 7 significant digits exact. The margin of error is barely one ten-millionth.
Since this calculation is based only on physical constants whose value is known with a certain precision, the precision of this calculation cannot go beyond the precision of these constants.
How can we explain that a calculation based on a conception of nested energy levels can give such precision when nowhere do we see the notion of Quarks and Gluons appear? If this model is more than a coincidence then it should be possible to build a bridge between this theory and the other accepted theories that have proven their extraordinary effectiveness both in predicting the results of experiments and the precision of their calculations.
The challenge is launched. Any scientific mind is by definition curious by nature and should feel challenged.
The first question to ask is of course: is the precision of this calculation due to a numerical coincidence? I'll let you make up your own mind.
PS: You will probably want to read his book, unfortunately it is practically impossible to find. Or you can be satisfied with the few explanations here, as these formulas could give rise to physical interpretations different from those proposed in his book. Who knows ...?
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