table, th, td {
border: 1px solid black;
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// You can check these values on the internet :
c = 299792458; // Light speed m/s
alpha = 0.00729735257 // fine structure constant
pi = Math.PI;
vp = 4*pi/Math.pow(10,7); // Magnetic vacuum permeability : Henry per meter : H/m [N/A^2]
e0 = 1 / (c*c*vp); // vacuum permittivity : = 8.8541878176 * 10^-12 F/m
e = 1.60217733 * Math.pow(10,-19); // charge of electron : Ampere*second
cwl = 2.42631058 * Math.pow(10,-12); // Compton wave length : meters
rcwl = cwl/(2*pi); // rationalized Compton wavelength electron : meters
me = 9.10938972 * Math.pow(10,-31); // mass of electron : Kilograms
ElectronMass = 1; // Relative electron mass;
SquareRootTwo = Math.sqrt(2);
signif = 1000000; // To avoid displaying too many unnecessary decimals
// Rationalized fine structure constant
alpha_e = alpha/(2*pi);
a_u = 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 + alpha_e) - 1);
d = (1-(SquareRootTwo/2))/2 - a_u/SquareRootTwo; // The radius of each level is slightly smaller. The Fine Structure Constant intervenes
m = (d*d)/(me*4*pi*c*c*rcwl*d*e0); // m being smaller than 1, the fine structure constant increases the mass contribution of each calculated level
m = (e*e)/(me*Math.pow(10,7)*rcwl*d); // equivalent formula with less rounding errors
document.write ("<table>");
document.write ("<th colspan=5 style='text-align:center;'>       _-_   Calculation of the proton/electron mass ratio   _-_       </th>");
document.write ("<tr><td>Level</td><td>m1</td><td>m2</td><td>m1+m2</td><td>Sum</td></tr>");
var m1 = new Array(); var m2 = new Array();
m1[1] = ElectronMass; m2[1] = m;
t1=0; t2=0;
m1[i+1]= ElectronMass * Math.pow(SquareRootTwo,i) / (1-SquareRootTwo*a_u);
m2[i+1]= m * Math.pow(SquareRootTwo,i) / (1-SquareRootTwo*a_u);
t1 += m1[i];
t2 += m2[i];
document.write ("<tr><td>" + i + "</td><td>" + Math.round(m1[i]*signif)/signif + "</td><td>" + Math.round(m2[i]*signif)/signif + "</td><td>" + Math.round(eval(m1[i]+m2[i])*signif)/signif + "</td><td>" + Math.round(eval(t1+t2)*signif)/signif + "</td></tr>");
document.write ("</table>");
signif = 100000000; // To avoid displaying too many unnecessary decimals
document.write ("<br>Calculated proton/electron mass ratio : "+ Math.round((t1+t2)*signif)/signif+ " <br>--- Official proton/electron mass ratio : 1836.15267343   (CODATA 2020)");
mr = Math.round((eval((t1+t2-1836.15267343)/1836.15267343)*signif))/signif;
document.write ("<br>Relative error = " + mr + " = " + mr.toFixed(8) + " = " + (100*mr).toFixed(6) + "%");
document.write ("<br><br>Calculated neutron/electron mass ratio : "+ Math.round(eval(t1+t2+m1[1]+m2[1]+m1[2]+m2[2])*signif)/signif+ " <br>--- Official neutron/electron mass ratio : 1838.683662   (CODATA 2020)");
mr = eval((t1+t2+m1[1]+m2[1]+m1[2]+m2[2]-1838.683662)/1838.683662);
document.write ("<br>Relative error = " + Number.parseFloat(mr).toExponential(2) + " = " + mr.toFixed(8) + " = " + (100*mr).toFixed(6) + "%");
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